We are very proud that Dr Elaine Halley has published a textbook for dentists called ‘Smile Analysis’. This book details the lessons she has learnt over 30 years working as a general dental practitioner. It has been published by Edra Publishing who are an Italian publishing company now based in the USA.

In the book, Dr Halley details the bespoke way we work at Cherrybank Dental Spa. We believe in gathering all of the information to help us to make a thorough diagnosis before presenting you with possible solutions.

The mouth is like a 3-D jigsaw puzzle in many ways. There may be health issues such as tooth decay and gum disease, there could be loss of tooth structure that can occur through acid erosion or tooth grinding, there is tooth position, shape and appearance – a whole range of issues that need to be considered together in order to have a mouth that functions correctly and a smile that reflects health and confidence!

This is how we work at Cherrybank Dental Spa Perth. We utilise the latest digital technology to capture all the data about your teeth and mouth, we analyse and study it and when appropriate we combine our findings with Smile Design software, and all of this leads us to your treatment plan options.

Our unique process of building a ‘storyboard’ means that we can present our findings back to you, with more than one option, corresponding costs and several payment options too.

We have done our job well if you feel fully informed and included in the decision about the type of dentistry you want to have – now and for the future.

Smile Analysis by Elaine Halley BDS is available on Amazon, Blackwells and from Edra Publishing.